What Professional Learning does CPM provide for newly adopting schools and districts?

  • For newly adopting schools and districts, CPM provides a series of professional learning events (asynchronous modules combined with five days in person or ten synchronous sessions virtually the first year) to assist the teacher in implementing the curriculum as intended. These sessions are led by experienced professional learning specialists who have taught one or more CPM courses in their classrooms. The professional learning program is devoted to learning what the Mathematical Practices look and sound like in the classroom and how to facilitate discourse about the SMPs with the students along with asynchronous content modules (CMs) that walk a teacher through each chapter.

  • The CPM Professional Learning Progression describes the three year commitment CPM offers to all implementing schools and districts.

  • Asynchronous modules and synchronous sessions along with a variety of other on demand learning opportunities are accessed in the CPM Professional Learning Portal.

  • Access to the CPM Professional Learning Portal along with registration to CPM Professional Learning Events requires a CPM account that is created when a teacher is issued an account in the eBook system (no need for an eBook to be assigned) by their school or district. Teachers use the same login credentials as they do for the eBook system. The process is described in this document and there is an option C for those that do not yet have a CPM account from their school or district.

  • Browse CPM Professional Learning Events here and register.